Browsing articles tagged with " Eye Health"

Tips for Healthier Eyes

Always Wear Sunglasses UV radiation can hurt your eyes just like it does your skin. Effects add up and can cause problems like cataracts, cornea burns, and even cancer of the eyelid. Whenever you’re outside — even on cloudy days — wear sunglasses or contacts that block 99% to 100% of UV-A and UV-B rays. Protective lenses don’t have to be expensive, just check the label. Hats block exposure, too. Snow, water, sand, and concrete […]


Active Lifestyle Requires Active Approach to Eye Health

You stretch before your workout, stay hydrated throughout and follow safe cool-down steps afterward. But while you’re enjoying your active lifestyle, are you doing enough to take care of two of your most valuable physical assets, your eyes?   More than 170 million Americans are active in a fitness, team sport, recreational or outdoor activity, according to the Sports Goods Manufacturers Association. Americans’ active lifestyles put their eyes at increased risk of injury and strain. […]