
10 Things You Must Do Before You Turn 25

In today’s day and age, you’re forty when you’re 30 and 35 by the time you push 25! Everyone’s aging in a manner straight out of a “not so fun” science fiction movie.


Everyone worth their salt has a list that’s seeking those elusive little tick marks against the pointers on them. Corporate slavery and demanding responsibilites might not let you stop and smell the roses but you’re still a young buck, so perk up and ensure you do the following 10 things before you turn 25!

1. Jump off a cliff!
Make your heart skip a beat!  Go sky diving, white water rafting or bungee jumping! Pushing yourself outside your comfort zone and facing your fears, will ensure you feel alive. Take a leap of faith and the wind will carry you through.

2. Go on a blind date
Enough with the pros and cons lists and break that awfully boring dating pattern! Go on a blind date, meet new people, it’ll ensure you learn a whole lot about yourself even if you don’t find “true love”.

3. Get lost
Take a trip and ditch the travel guide. Travel with just a backpack and a pair of fantastic sunglasses. Experience the culture of a country you never really understood. Date someone there, ensure you don’t get killed!

4. Get on a badass rollercoaster
We don’t mean the tiny rollercoaster at Rambo circus. We’re talking about that bad ass rollercoaster that makes you pee in your pants even after the ride! Something with corkscrews and loops, and that people with heart diseases and pregnant women don’t ride! Once you’re done, you’ll know your life will never be as drastic as that.

5. Encourage the rainbow and hit a club
Be part of a gay parade or festival. Not only will you help fight the stigma, you’ll also meet a great, fantastic bunch of people who are immensely passionate! Be pro choice before you get too old.

6. Learn to be alone  
Do you feel the need to fill every silent moment with some absolute tripe? Stop and calm down! You don’t need to have the gift of the gab all the time. Spend some time by yourself, the moment you are comfortable with yourself, you’ll learn to be with people without feeling the need to impress them.

7. Spend a weekend in a casino
Pro Tip: Stay away from any high stakes table! Book a flight ticket and land straight in to what Hollywood has taught us to expect of a casino. No windows and no clocks, you’ll probably be stripped down to your last rupee but you’ll have a story to tell. Hopefully one which ends with, “I’m never doing that sh*t again”.

8. Let go of a friend
It’s hard but the truth is not all friendships are meant to last forever. People constantly change and we hold on to the idea of a relationship despite the fact that it has turned in to baggage.  Holding on to a relationship that has run its course doesn’t do either of you any favours. Love the friends you have, not the ones with whom you have to make an effort.

9. Let the grudge go
Yes, you might hate their stinking gut but let it go. Resenting someone will only affect you and remember if you spend your time thinking about how horrible they are, they are winning. Make a voodoo doll or tear a photograph or throw darts at them, do whatever makes you feel good and then let it go.

10. Party for an entire week
Take a vacation, tell your boss you have an “emergency” you absolutely need to attend do. Then become a slob, party all night and stay up till dawn. Ensure you miss the sun for the entire week. Make the week stuff of stories you’ll reminisce about when you’re older and sipping on some tame scotch. You might not find the time later!

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